Monday, June 8, 2009

Yeah, well.

We have a new inspector on our project. This shouldn't surprise me, considering that our permits were issued in 2006, and yet it does. Our last inspector was great. He was very nice. He liked the design. He only failed one thing and came back the same day to approve it when it was fixed. Perhaps I should find fault in his failure to find fault in things our previous contractors did, since they were such total f* ups and maybe, just maybe, if he'd looked at the drain tile before it was covered up with dirt and said, "Uh, you know, this isn't going to work," then he might have saved us thousands of dollars.

So maybe I should be happy about this new inspector, because boy is he an eager beaver. He has come over to inspect things twice already - despite the fact that we haven't called him to inspect anything and haven't been there to explain anything. The reason for our absence being that nothing, besides the sump pump (coming attraction!), has warranted an inspection, and the way this works is: (A) I get a permit; (B) I do some work; (C) I Call for an Inspection; (D) Inspector Comes to Inspect; (E) Repeat symbol from B to D ad nauseum until done. This guy thinks the song goes A, D, D, which is appropriate since it seems he isn't really paying attention to either the way the song is supposed to go and is oblivious to the fact that we haven't hit the B note much lately. This is due to the fact that B is really a trill that goes Money-Work-Money-Work-Money-Work.

Anyway, despite his enthusiasm for his work, I just can't get excited to come home and find inspection notices shoved in the edge of our front door that say "Fail" repeatedly. Of course it's going to fail - it isn't done! That's why we haven't called you to come inspect!

But the one that really gets me:
Inspection: Outdoor Sink and Hose Bibb
Result: Fail
Reason: Not According To Plan.

Yeah, well, on that basis...

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