Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So true, so true...

So we had this really nice HVAC guy come by and assess the HVAC system this morning. In case I haven't mentioned it, we are also having serious problems with the HVAC system in the existing part of the house. Apparently, in sum, adding a 2.5 ton A/C unit and an 88,000 Btu furnace to 1948 ductwork was a bad idea. I guess the "good news" is that in his view we do not need to rip out all of the old ductwork; adding the new ductwork to the addition will achieve the air flow necessary to stop my asthma attacks and all the condensation leaks. So all we have to do is finish the addition in order to fix this problem! Of course!!! All roads lead to Rome.

His squinted his blue eyes a little bit as he leaned in and said:
"You know, I understand...I'm sitting where you folks are right now."
(D, silently, to herself: Yeah, right. You have NO idea.)
"I'm currently redoing my own house and it is the second time doing this. I'm working as my own general contractor, too. And if you told me that I was going to have to renovate another house or commit suicide, I'd ask for the gun."
(D, to herself: Okay, he does have some idea.)

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