Monday, July 27, 2009

A Prize to the Person Who Figures Out This Logic

If you want to pay Dominion Power, Click Here.

Great! We love your money! Please enter the amount you would like to pay us. But it cannot exceed $600. [We won't tell you this; you'll have to do a trial and error until you figure it out - it's a fun guessing game we like to play with you to keep our relationship exciting.] Oh and we're going to charge you a $3.95 service fee for providing this convenient and outstanding service to you, our loyal customer!

What? Your bill requires several payments of $600? Okay, well, you can make three $600 payments (at a convenient $3.95 each!) today.

Oh, we billed you more than that? Please call customer service.

Hello, Customer Service here! I see you're maxed out on your payment installments on that bill we sent you which requires full payment before we'll start working on your project. Not to worry, because you can make two more payments five days from today! But then you need to wait another 3 weeks after that to make any more payments.

Why? To prevent fraud, silly!

What kind of fraud would try to pay the power company lots of money in $600 increments at random intervals over the course of three weeks? I am sorry, I am not programmed to answer that. Have a nice day!

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